Empire has started
Jobs will be going up soon. It's settled, the empire is in the middle of a mountain range. The mountains will be heavily guarded. We have a pretty good army and some people off to the side. We have assassins and executioner. We have a leader for the elite guard. We need more members for the elite guard. The elite guard are high up. Also, we have a lot of captains, commanders, and generals. We need more people as just like grunts. These people can have multiple jobs so it doesn't get boring. Oh yeah, we need a warden. This man will find and keep track of bad people and those that go against the empire and call an execution. Officer Paiin is the executioner and high up in the ranks so respect him. We have a scout too. Scouts can do things outside of the empire as well as inside. Also, I don't know how to make a group but I will be getting to that soon. I will be getting the job list up sometime today or tomorrow so once that goes up, carry on with your job. Job list going up today. I've been very busy lately. Also Alduin is a traitor, I encourage you to attack him on sight. Also freddy the Teddy is commander of the elite guard. So you know what to do.
K a lot of shit has happened recently. Around march 16th the empire was sent into dark times by Lenny supporters. However, these were no ordinary Lenny supporters, these were traitors. Dragoborn Døøb has been seen supporting the Lennys. He assisted the attack. Tom Brady is a fūcking annoying douche and should just be muted. Once you mute him, rebuild the empire and we shall rise to power.
Also this is my robot bounty hunter. He does my bidding and has nothing to lose. As long as you aren't on his list, you're fine. http://th01.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2013/197/b/9/galaxy_saga___hunter__advanced__by_james_face-d6dprvk.jpg
Standard front line scout: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/4d/36/fe/4d36fed26000722d60ed480044345117.jpg
Ok, we are going futuristic. Everyone will wear exo suits and stuff. we are gonna build an army. it will have robots, mechs, animals, and armed men. please show me what you think the standard mech should look like. we will also be getting into more magic-like stuff soon.
-blam!- the job lists. too many people. too little time. I'm gonna put up important people like the head scout, supreme commander, commander of elite guard, executioner, and a couple others. these special guys have permission given by myself, the emperor, to approve applications to join the empire and give out orders that are not too extreme. extreme orders like the call for war should be left in the hands of the emperor and his council. space exploration is going well, we need an official armada with a giant oddly shaped ship in the middle. no one but myself and the council, if this armada is approved, will know what this "ship" does.
Most recent edit october something twany fifteen: sup guise
*salutes* Any news I should know about the empire sir?
Edited by Lord Genesis : 4/21/2015 11:52:22 PMUpstartbark and magnetboy are officially official personnel.
[url=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-FMskLRKVYO8/Uj5rLjteNfI/AAAAAAAAAvs/p4RxvAf1U_8/s1600/Jedi+Temple+destroyed.png]*A signal is broadcasted out to The Empire*[/url] [b]This is the result of tampering with what you cannot understand, playing with what isn't a toy. Your world, Gaea, is gone, a wasteland[/b] [b]The entire population destroyed, as if they never existed, their tiny light snuffed out by the infinite darkness. The men, the women, even the children have been burned at the stake or have become one with The Mind. Their resistance was futile, just like your entire ideology.[/b] -Signal Lost-
This empire seems.... Well thought out
You shouldn't share the name of your executioner. Someone might try to kill him for revenge
All I saw was join and empire I said "Yes!"
Ignus have confirmed affiliation in Chemical strikes, in league with the Sol Alliance
Sir this is Spartan Sierra 259 requesting to join under position of squad leader sir.
[b]evacs cuz chaos[/b]
During all the chaos, Billy finally finishes crapping
I seek council with someone who goes by the name "Freddy"
Edited by Alba: 4/22/2015 12:00:47 AM[b]The void council sends an encrypted message. Your War council receive the message.[/b] Message: "The Bio-Attack your nation has witnessed from last week was our doing. We smuggled a bomb known to us as ERGUS-42. This biological weapon is used to mutate Organic species. It will only proceed to get worse. After you kill the infected, the body releases spores they cling to all surfaces and begin to create Bacteria and Fungal colonies those same spores will be air born and will cause severe Mutations to ALL organics. Be it from Plants to Animals." From: Atus Sekrøn. [b]The coordinates are scrambled. The message link is closed.[/b]
Can I be a army commander?
I'd love to serve under your reign...
Edited by Lionheart: 4/21/2015 4:35:56 AMIntercom: the city's citizens and officials are to be evacuated at once... This is not a drill... *Helicopters fly over the city*
What is happening
[spoiler]Why is the city being evacuated?[/spoiler]
Edited by Lionheart: 4/21/2015 3:36:11 AM*The shield generator explodes due to overload* *The alarm is set off, all security bots and guards report to the wall, helicopters fly off to the north and turrets are set up around the Empire* *freddy stares out the command rooms window at the raging fire from the cores explosion* ....
*A troop heli flies over the city* What the hell is going on here? Do you require assistance?
*helps evacuate the city* Everyone! GET OUT NOW!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) YAY!
Any Edgewater survivors, join me aboard my ship. [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/116765420/0/0]Coordinates Encrypted[/url]
*I walk in* hello. I have recently founded a new place with BC, known as The Badlands. We are a replacement for Edgewater, and we will still keep our status as allies. [spoiler]https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/116742167/0/0[/spoiler]
A recon force has been added to the Elite Guard
*The Monitor, touches down on an Undisclosed location on Ceres, rain is falling pretty heavily* *He walks across the catwalk, he nears a circular door with two guards, they see his glowing red eyes* *Guards* "You there! Stagh!!" *Two bodies hit the floor and The Monitor enters a code and the door slides open.*
Post number [b][i][u]6666[/u][/i][/b]