Kingdom Hearts 2 - Sephiroth
One shot kill, lightning fast speed, and something like 12 health bars to go through to defeat him
Lingering will and mysterious man (birth by sleep) were much harder and i think KH1 Sephiroth was much harder
This... I still can't beat him although I accidentally erased my save when making a new file :(
I thought he was much harder in the 1st game. I had to attack him for a while before his HP even started to drain...eventually I beat him from lv65..over and over until I was maxed out, he gave a level up every time you won.
Yes 100% yes, the hardest battle I've ever fought in gaming outside of multiplayer.
Yes, definitely. *potion* Damage *potion again* Health low again *potion again* Health low again "Oh Fxck this!" *dies*