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1/13/2013 5:31:55 AM

I once ate an entire block of cheese: dumb things you've done

I was at a bar/microbrewery with some friends. They sold cheese and crackers there, and my friends decided to get some. Several drinks later, and after having seen how quickly they made it through that initial block, I thought I'd be nice and buy a second for all to share. My friends said 'sure,' and that they'd pick at it if I ordered another. Sure enough, I was pretty far gone by the time the second block had been eaten. It wasn't until my last bite that I realized that I had been the only one to touch the second block of cheese. It was delicious; I regret nothing. Any random stories of your own silliness,

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  • Has anyone ever played that camping game where you put your feet nearly in a fire and whoever is the last one with their feet there wins? Well, to cut a long story short the bottom of my shoes melted off. My parents were not amused.

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  • Edited by SuperIrish: 1/18/2013 6:54:58 PM
    When I was young (5-6-ish?) I wanted to break a plank of wood in half, but it was the reconstituted plank of wood pulp stuff. Anyway in my attempts to break it in half, I leaned into it on a window sill. The wood broke, and I slammed my head (around the eyebrows) accidentally into the concrete windowsill. I had a bruise there for a while, and it gave me a headache. I remember one of my earliest memories of my putting my finger into a fire to 'touch' it,as I had never seen it before and wondered what it was. It wasn't very nice, and I didn't go near hot things for a long while after. More recently I was drinking Jaeger bomb shots, and went outside for a bit. I came back in, and my friends had made another Jaeger for me, so I downed it. I noticed it seemed warmer down my throat and asked why. They replaced the energy drink you add with Vodka. Don't think it didn't much harm, but I didn't need to drink anymore for the night.

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  • A large bag of Doritos and a gallon of Gatorade while playing games overnight at a friend's place. It turns out your body can't handle electrolytes in that quantity. It came back up. Separate occasion: My friends and I were really bored at a lame high school party. I collected $27.50 from everyone in exchange for a kick in the balls. NOT WORTH IT.

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  • Attempting to eat the whole XL Cheese pizza. After I finished it I felt as sick as a dog, but it tasted good. So I guess the only regret about it is that I got an XL instead of a Large.

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  • I drank a small carton of chocolate milk through my nose once.

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  • Ate an entire box of fig newtons before a practice. It was the worst two hours of my life. Stomach ache, side cramps, and the next morning I took the most painful poop ever. Literally felt like a brick.

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  • Whisky, rum, and egg nog, all together in a beer bong.

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  • Ate an entire bag of Gummy Savers, worst stomach ache ever!!

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    • Went to a friend's house party after saying I wouldn't because I felt ill. I told him I'd go but not drink. Ended up playing "I have never" with straight Jack Daniels. Half an hour later I'd drank an entire litre bottle by myself, and my mate who's bottle it was just realised I'd had it all. I told him we'd go and get another, on me. So we did. We got to the off license and I just about managed to put my card in the cash machine to get money out, don't remember buying the bottle, remember walking back to the party and then my memory is a blur aside from having ended up on the roof and passing out. I hadn't eaten anything that day.

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    • I touched a car's brake disc after a long 8 hour drive. Damn it hurts.

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    • Me and my friend downed a entire jar of pickle juice in a day.

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      • Edited by M37h3w3: 1/13/2013 6:10:38 AM
        Ate three boxes of Fruit Roll Ups. In one sitting. Worst diarrhea you can imagine. And it was all blue/green.

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      • I have done that a few times as well.

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      • I traded my Animal Crossing: Wild World for 2 or 3 Blue Eyes White Dragons.

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      • I once ate a berry off of a [url=]Jack in the Pulpit[/url] plant. Turns out, those berries are full of a poison that makes your mouth feel like it's on fire. Needless to say, I never did that again.

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      • I stole a block of cheese once when I was a child and slowly ate it. I also remember it being delcious. Cheddar, if memory serves.

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      • I thought I could fly. The glass table in the Living Room taught me I couldn't.

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        2 Replies
        • I'll be honest, this story made me laugh. I once shared a box of cereal with someone. To be fair, I wasn't in my right mind and felt extremely hungry. I too, regret nothing.

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        • I guess it wasn't entirely my fault, but someone misktook nair for shaving cream while I was sleeping during one of those stupid sleepovers you go to as a middle school student. Never been the same. And now you know.

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        • I was like 11 or 12, and I tried to open a box of a fire alarm. Never thought that as soon as you open it it will set up an alarm -.-

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        • I've eaten a full bag of Airheads a couple times. It never ends well. [spoiler]I live life on the edge[/spoiler]

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        • "I am going to eat this ENTIRE BUCKET of cotton candy!" Not the wisest thing I've ever done, perhaps.

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