I apologize for contacting you later than expected, but I am unsure if I should accept you yet. You have caused commotion amongst my allies, however, I am ok with destiny fans. But you have to prove yourself first. If you help defend from next attack on the dojo, I will allow you to stay.
Well, you wouldn't happen to have a polycarbon fiber bow on hand would you?
What... What has happened amongst our ranks?
*looks at you nervously *
Edited by DigitalNinja: 3/9/2015 3:43:06 AMApparently, a fight broke out, and one of us was injured.
Well, more fights are raging down below. I'm all for a good duel, but hasn't this been taken too far?
Yes... yes it has and im apart of all this
Considering you blasted an innocent with a laser beam, I'm guessing that caused a tad bit of an uproar. Naw, really I know it was a malfunction. That was still pretty screwed up though... But then again we were all drunk. Well, most of us.
I must leave for the safety of you guys as ot will please salazar :(
No, my friend. This dojo welcomes the strong and worthy from what I've seen, and Salazar is not the master of the Dojo. Ninja has said that a meeting will be called when he returns, but I offer sanctuary to you and anyone else seeking peace.
Nothing..... just nothing
But first , may I ask how will I defend the dojo
There is a person that attacks very often. If you can help hold him off, perhaps even eliminate him, you will be doing a great service to the dojo.
H3ADSHOT needs to be put down
Sound reasonable, buy what of weaponry, do have a knife, a gun, a shield?
We have a marketplace here that sells anything you could need. When you get the chance, stop by there. Since your new, I'll pay for your equipment. They open in the morning.
I apologize for whatever trouble I caused, I only wish to join in honor
Domt worry if ninja dosent have a problem you will be fine
I directed him to you sir.
Good, cause don't get me wrong, I have thousands of fallen kills under my belt, but they dont fight back as well
A what now?
A defintion of a DESTICLE: a destiny fanboy
Thanks... I think