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Watch this space!
[b]Note: This is not a site update and not from Bungie. I do not work there.[/b]
[url=]Update 1[/url]
[url=]Update 2[/url], [url=]details[/url]
[url=]Update 3[/url], [url=]details[/url]
[url=]Installation instructions[/url]
errbody is blue
omg yes
Can I hug you?
I want this!
ETA of completion?
Why is this thread buried now? This script is glorious!
If you ever have a script for this whole thing for us to try out, please let me know daz.
That looks really neat but I multifamily think this won't be that good for everyone. I think there is a unwillingness to accept change and progression.
Edited by Coovyy: 1/15/2013 8:11:37 PMThis is awesome, but better than this, but I really hope different forums are re-added and titles would be nice. Wait.. Is this a user-made script? or like, designs for more Beta testing from Bungie?
That looks nice! I don't mind this layout, but I much prefer that layout.
Hey Bungie, hastag:Getridofthegoddamnedhashtags.
Man this looks so much better than what we have.
Awesome. Now, if I can get this to work on an iPod...
Wow! I want it! I can't download scripts on my work computer, so will you please just send this to Bungie and make them change their website to this please?! =)
I can appreciate the work you're putting into that, but at the same time, it makes me really sad... Still, impressive work to get that far in such a short time.
Looking good, definitely will use this.
Wat. Yo?
O M G Now, where is the safari version? ........... No?
That's better.
Looking good.
RE update 1: If only the hashtag garbage would go the hell away for good.
Where did you get those? Anyway, I am glad the old forum style will be back.
I like the one that is now, now I have the thing that changes it to black.
But... I dont want it back.. I just dont like the Forum part of the site.. kinda weird.
If you're trolling then what else can I say. You got me.