Is that bad? My Warlock is just so I can get my grimoire up. Once I hit 20000 kills with it, I'l make a Hunter and get 20000 kills on that and then power level a third Titan to 32.
You shouldn't spend so much time on Destiny, play Warframe or Dark Souls or something, Destiny is a cash-grab along with everything else published by Activision.
And none of those games are the same way? I love the game. I started becoming a fan of grindy RPG type games after farming for 5 million gold in Diablo 3. Destiny may be an overhyped "cash grab" but it's addictive as hell. I want to platinum inFAMOUS Second Son to get platinum 25 but Destiny is so hard to put down. From what I've read Destiny addiction akin to that of WOW addiction. Besides, most games are cash grabs; every game by every major publisher is a cash grab. If you're against Destiny for said reasons then you shouldn't want to play COD, Battlefield, Assassin's Creed and even World Of Warcraft.
I just got bored of it, a game can be a good game regardless wether it's a cash-grab, I had fun with while it lasted.
I logged on 55 hours on the Beta and have over 620 hours on Destiny. I'm not tired of it yet and hopefully never will be.