So my old laptop (ASUS G73SW) I sold to my brother. He just called me saying that whenever he boots up the computer, the screen stays black....and I dunno what to do. I've never had this problem before when I owned it.
Does anybody know what to do? I wanna help him fix this.
It could be the screen itself, or the GPU
I'd recommend your Brother backing up everything on the laptop, and then use the money to buy a new laptop. You'll live without the money, and selling him a laptop with a faulty screen is just dickish.
My brother got it to turn on....but he said that when he clicked the power button the screen part of the laptop wouldn't even turn on....which is really strange. I mean...I'm glad it's working now....but this will probably happen again.
If it's black right when he turns it on, it can't be Window's fault. A computer only requires a few things to boot: CPU, mobo, RAM, PSU. The HDD, GPU, and optical drive are completely irrelevant as to whether or not you can at least reach the splash screen. It sounds like the monitor itself could have become unplugged on the inside or something.
Does it sound like it's making noise? Does the computer actually boot up but then nothing happens? Or does nothing show up when he turns it on?
I've had some laptops refuse to boot when there were too many USB devices plugged in.
BAM [url=]Quick Google search[/url]
I had that problem before but I was on a Compaq Presario and those are shit. I had to send mine in to get fixed, there was a problem with the screen.
The computer may be stuck in sleep.. You need to have it rebooted or what I have done before is let the battery die then reboot.
How long does it he wait before rage quitting and turning it off?
Hmm...hardrive crash/virus maybe?
Sounds like you sold it to him just in time
probably a bad hard drive.
The HDD needs more heat. I suggest tossing it in the microwave.