This includes tv shows and books as well.
When I was 8 I cried during the originial transformers movie (1986) when optimus died, maximum sadness above.
Also, in the Walking dead
[spoiler] I teared up quite a bit when carl had to shoot his own mother in the head to prevent her from turning. Such an emotional scene *sobs* [/spoiler]
What has made you experience the deep well of sadness?
Megaman Battle Network 3: when [spoiler]Megaman sacrifices himself to save Lan D:[/spoiler] Click: when [spoiler]Adam Sandler starts chasing his kid after Sandler was hospitalized and would die... Then I got really really angry because I had started watching it midway through and didn't know it was a dream -_-#[/spoiler]
30 minutes or less, when he wrecks that 280zx. :'(
I cried at the end of FFX. I know it's a video game, but it's the only time I've cried due to any form of media
The Fault in Our Stars... DON'T JUDGE ME!!!!
The elliminator, when he is kill
Lone survivor Knowing its a true story and realizing what these guys do for each other. Then at the end they show photos of all the people that died in real life. It just hits you and you start bawling.
I can't even remember if it was a movie or not, but my childhood was decimated when I saw Winnie the Pooh get shot by a dart.
Edited by TheDesertRanger: 12/17/2014 3:53:59 PMI will cry at films where the dog dies. Especially if it's a puppy. I could honestly not give less of a shit when people die.
Definitely the saddest, most gutwrenching movie I've ever seen. I don't cry easily, but this had me depressed for weeks. It is the best movie I never want to see again.
Non-spoiler: there's an unexpected death at the end of Ong Bak that probably shouldn't make the average person cry, but they were such a great character that it seemed like a much more dramatic loss to me. [spoiler]I actually cried right at the end, when Ai Hum Lae died. He went through so much shit through that whole movie, all he ever tried to do was make it rich and live an easy life. He didn't have the most legal ways of working, but he was the only character with a good sense of humor, too. I got the same feeling from Jackie Ma's death at the end of Sleeping Dogs. [/spoiler]
First movie that made me cry was hardball with Keanu Reeves. When gbaby dies. Saddest shit ever.
La vita è bella (Life Is Beautiful). I'm not going to spoil it for anyone but the movie is about a Jewish book keeper named Guido in Italy who gets married, has a son and Guido and family are thrown into the German [url=]-godwinslaw!-[/url] camp. Throughout the horrific events of the Holocaust, Guido trys to protect the innocence of his son and tells him that this is all a game and the grand prize for surviving is a tank. Despite my terrible short summery of the movie, I HIGHLY recommend it. It's funny, it's gut wrenching, and it's the only movie that made me bawl like an idiot.
when i was like 4 and during the pokemon movie where ash got turned to stone ;-;
The end part of the Green Mile
Edited by Spooky Delusor: 12/17/2014 5:35:42 AMThe book thief at the end (the book) Other times to which I'll edit when I remember.
The end of Monster's Inc. when Sully has to leave Boo in the human world. The Tenth and Eleventh Doctors' regenerations (Nine's was suitably epic and accepting, rather than tearful; my fav. regeneration scene), Donna losing her memories, the Ponds' departure, etc.
I was at the Imax may 2 1st showing of amazing spider man 2....... I was the only one not crying and laughing [spoiler]when gwen died... like srsly not that big of a deal[/spoiler]
I've only cried at three movies. The Passion of the Christ. It was all so unfair. Guardians of the Galaxy. When his mom died, I had tears in my eyes. That was freaking sad. Interstellar. When Cooper gets back to the ship after spending 23 years on one plant in just a few hours due to gravity, and he watches his son grow up in video logs just sobbing his eyes out. The darn feels.
I cried when Forrest Gump was making a speech at Jenny's grave. It gave me some small feels, but that was the first movie I cried in, and I have watched A LOT of movies, so I was eventually going to cry.
Edited by Yuu: 12/17/2014 4:33:08 AMI Am Legend, well, a tear from the doge and ending. Marley and Me Click (you people should where) Hachi Iron Giant
The ending of Old Yeller, definitely
Iron giant He became superman and saved those muricans from being nuked by muricans
Mufasa's death scene.
I think if you watch ET from beginning to end & don't cry, you're a serial killer and the FBI should lock you up.
I cried when Beth got her face blown off in twd
Marley and me. I can't handle dog deaths and never will