EHm Ninja we mght have a problem. eh H3ADSHOT DUD3 palced SIren into a fatal stage.
I am doing what i can but i have no control over life.
and her body rjects the cyberpimplants i cant do anyhting
*gets depressed*
Giant Lenny kills medics[spoiler] ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° _ノ ヽ ノ \_ `/ `/ ⌒Y⌒ Y ヽ ( (三ヽ人 / | | ノ⌒\  ̄ ̄ヽ ノ ヽ___>、___/ |( 王 ノ〈 /ミ`ー―彡ヽ / ヽ_/[/spoiler]
*places nuke seed in giant Lenny's mouth* Bai bai
I'm a medic, I should be able to help, also, I can summon a clinic.
Ninja knows i told him everything
When is he coming back
I believe he returned dont ask me say.... why do you care for the siren anyway?
She is the one who opened my heart i love her it's hard for a demon to love but i did she is the last light in my stone heart if anything happens to her the last light in my heart will turn to stone and with it the end of the world
And..... also i fired the pistol by accident
I told you I'm sorry about your hand
*Uses repair bots*
This involves you!
I know
And i rule the Underworld you forgot that i can bring her back to life but she will be missing her memories if i bring her back to life she can get it back but not through magic or whats not only if she finds her true love
NO magic she is a ssrien any kind of magic mgiht turn her inot a banshee. *punches the table* I cant DO anyhting AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *pucnhes the metal table breaking it* I ll take the plan B. keep her stable i have somehtign to do *grabs all the equipment and open s a portal to hell* I am gonna save her. *hops into hell and closses the portal*
You do that she will be back deformed the only for her to be back is to die and I bring her back to life but like I said she gonna loose her memories
I wont bring her bakc by that emthod. I will simply hold up her soul from enterng so she can be revived. is she gets trapped there theres nothign we can do. tell her i jsut went out for a walk.
Her soul won't be trapped if anything touches a soul it will go right to the void where not even i can bring her back i love her salazar but she needs to die for this moment her soul must reach Decim
you dont get it. After the fall of gabriel Haven close all souls are sended to hell. Ive been able to cathc some and take them somwhere else. But HIM is usin....Wraths to steal souls out of the void. USE that vial and enter the void. i will kill the wraiths. but you must save her. if hse dies htewraths will ahve it easy to steal it. *throws the vial to open the void and kikc you inside* TAKE HER BACK!!!!!!!!!!
*my demon form gets damaged allot so I change to my human form I use the last light in me that I hold in my heart from our battle with Rammstien I use it as I loose all my powers the void gets cleared and I fight the flames that take souls as I fight my way to her soul my left hand get cut I Sheth my sword and go to her soul and I put it in the urn* Peterhausen if you hear me come and get me out of here NOW *peterhausen opens a portal and I claim on his back out of the portal to you* Salazar I have her soul Peterhausen kill every last one of those wraith *I fall unconscious*
I will (dont worry robber this are traitors) DEUS EX MACHINA!!!!!!!!! *going accednat form as god of mahcines i destroy every attacker*
*peterhausen lands next to my body*
*grbas corpse to the lazarus device*
Peterhausen brought me back to life siren is ok she is alive and I got my powers back even more powerful so my old friend what do you want to do with this filth H3ADSHOT
i will erase his memories and throw him abck to earht. Now *goes back to human from* i must rest, *falls unconcius*