Hello I am a [u]13 year old[/u] gamer and I play [b]Destiny[/b]. When I join someone or go on [b]raids [/b]I am Called "[i]Squeaker[/i]".
I am apparently someone to laugh at and abuse for being [u]2 years[/u] younger then another person. About 1 in 15 people are nice and don't care. When I need help with a Raid I invite people and ask people for help, then I am abused because I am [u]13 [/u]and have a voice that is kind of high.
I play with[u] 6-9 year old's[/u] if they need help... most other people just bully them and ruin the experience of Communication on this awesome [b]MMO[/b]. I love [b]Destiny [/b]it is fascinating and enjoyable... but about [b]70%[/b] of the community are bullies towards "Little Kids". If you don't want to play with someone because they have a voice that you absolutely can't stand, don't be a Bully just say "Sorry I really don't want to do this... I want to do other things" as appose to hurting feelings and being a dick.
You were a kid once whats wrong with it?
If they are screaming in the microphone and being really Annoying then give them a chance tell them your gonna kick them if they keep going, then if they keep going don't retaliate just be chill and say "Hey you had your warning... sorry your being kicked".
The thread is about people being bullies after they say a few words in a high voice. Also if they try to be funny don't laugh and say that wasn't really that funny try something else. About 4 years ago I got Xbox with COD and I did these things to so I can understand why people gave them this reputation. I feel it should be changed a little bit. Fighting fire with fire never works out it's just a waste of time.
If this is changed I would think [b]Destiny [/b]would be more inviting and people under [u]14 [/u] would enjoy it a lot more!
Also shut up about ratings. Look at the movies people sneak in all the time your not gonna stop anything.
In Australia you are allowed to play it so you can't say crap about kids from Aussie. Think of something without involving ratings or do you need to rely on them?
[spoiler]Australia has different spelling and grammar and I am 13 get off my case.[/spoiler]
Here's a tip: tell your team you will be listening to them and mute yourself. Don't say anything that sounds like boasting or giving others orders. Best to stay muted and shut up.
I'd say about 1/3 of people that bully cuz of ur voice are people that just hit puberty and are proud, another 3rd is going to be people that need someone to victimize, and another 3rd is going to be if you are being annoying people will find you even more than normally annoying and slam you for it
Get a voice mod.
I don't believe you're 13.
11 years old and im not a squeaker Dead serious join my party one day i'll prove it
I'm 32 and no one I know would bully or ridicule anyone solely because of their age or how high their voice is. It's all about your actions. If you're having that bad of an experience that often, perhaps you actually are one of the really annoying ones. Maybe you don't even know it because you're too young to see it from our point of view. I'm guessing we're not getting the full story from your post op.
Some "squeakers" can be annoying but usually it isn't the voice that irritates me, it's if they're not mature, if a player is mature in fine with them
You aren't even old enough to play the game..
I have a squeaky voice for my age but ironically I am really mature... I play with people who normally don't tolerate people my age all the time
Just don't talk. People would much rather raid with someone who doesn't talk, than a kid with a high pitched voice that does. When I bought a PS3 about 8 years ago, I didn't talk online until a got a little bass in my voice, and people where fine with that. And if absolutely have to speak, just speak long enough go get your point across then shut up again.
Heres the thing...the problem with "squeakers"..is simple they just wont shut the hell up...like never. I have no problem playing with younger kids, if they would just play and not jabber nonstop about complete nonsense.......nobody wants to listen to it.
You'll understand when you older [spoiler]rekt[/spoiler]
Eh.........the cringe
The problem with "squeakers" is that they (not always) tend to be very obnoxious and loud, and this can be very annoying mixed with the high pitched voice for some people. Especially if they've had bad experiences like this with younger people.
One of the guys in our clan has a son that plays with us. The kid is better than 90% of our clan, and he is a great raid role player. I'm willing to bet he would be a great sword bearer. He's 10.
I don't mind kids at all, except for the ones we all define as "kids." Squeaker is just a general term to describe your voice, as it can be quite annoying if you start screaming and crying. [i]That[/i] is why a lot of people disrespect kids. I started XBL when I was 13 or 14. Of course, I was also called squeaker and whatnot, but of course my voice was higher cause I was female. It didn't really bother me. As long as you act mature and follow directions, I'm okay with you. There's a reason why kids shouldn't buy a game for Teen or Mature audiences.
It isn't specifically the age or the pitch of the voice, it is the way that young kids act when they play this game that drives everyone away. In my experience about 9/10 kids are unbearable to play with because of how they act, how much they talk, and what they talk about . The more kids in one lobby the worse it gets. When I was a kid my friend and I used to play online games with his older brother (older by about 10 years) and all of his friends and they liked playing with us. Why? First of all we were good, second of all for the most part I kept my mouth shut and avoided butting in on their conversations, and third of all it was because it was the only way that my friend and his brother really communicated with each other because he lived thousands of miles away. (This one was most likely the most important.) Anyway my point is that if you want to play with adults you had better have skill, and if you don't personally know the other players you should keep talking to a minimum because they don't really want to have a conversation with you. (I know that sounds harsh but it is true.)
I generally don't like annoying players, that includes people with no command over the English Language even if they are foreign to myself the saving grace is at least intelligence . IF you have those two we are good, other wise I can see where things are going. or those who speak with background elements through the Mic, such as Music or 3rd party people. [url][/url]
Most Kids I play with are mature, but if they start barking orders and screaming they get the boot.
One of my best friends Step-Brother about 2 years ago was 12 had a high voice and was probably the most legit mature kid I've met at that age. Unless you are like him. 1. Chill 2. Calm 3. Cool 4. Can smack talk without having to studder. You got A+ in my book, but once you try and act cool in front of others in the fireteam.....I'm not gonna protect you. You are on your own. I was on my own back in 2005 when I played COD on PC. Then I got the deep voice in 2006 and from then on I was fine during gaming. I think kids today (5-12) should just play outside and enjoy the world before even playing video games. It can just screw with them mentally. 1. The people online 2. How the game is played I would just make them stick to fun games. Ex. Mario Kart, Mario Party, anything rated E.
In the UK you have to be 16 to buy the game. So UK players are rarely under that age
I really don't care about your age if you're good but you have to realize when to shut up is the only problem.
You need to find better teams mate.
I don't mind little kids but once you start getting bossy i get pissed
Yeah I was a kid once. I went outside so I never had to worry about being bullied on the Internet. IMO younger kids just shouldn't be able to play games online. But to each their own.
This occurs for three main reasons in my perspective: 1: If they were playing online when they were younger, they were probably verbally abused by older players aswell. As they grow up they transfer all this anger they built up onto the younger gamers that they once were. 2: They feel privileged to have the ability to look down on someone and call them a "squeaker" without that term applying to themselves as well. With age comes a strong sense of responsibility, but also a sense of pride and power. They abuse this power, because there is nothing the victim can do about it. 3: They were raised badly in a household of too many other siblings and family members that they never got enough attention from their parents. This connects to the first point, in that they are transferring their hatred towards other people onto people online. Except this is a more specific reason, only applying to select individual people, whereas point 1 will effect all gamers who have grown up playing video games with others I know what it's like to be neglected by other players, and I understand what you're going through. However, I was better off as my voice has been lower since I was about 12, meaning played thought I was much older. I am currently 16 and people have commonly mistaken me for a 20 year old.