Hello I am a [u]13 year old[/u] gamer and I play [b]Destiny[/b]. When I join someone or go on [b]raids [/b]I am Called "[i]Squeaker[/i]".
I am apparently someone to laugh at and abuse for being [u]2 years[/u] younger then another person. About 1 in 15 people are nice and don't care. When I need help with a Raid I invite people and ask people for help, then I am abused because I am [u]13 [/u]and have a voice that is kind of high.
I play with[u] 6-9 year old's[/u] if they need help... most other people just bully them and ruin the experience of Communication on this awesome [b]MMO[/b]. I love [b]Destiny [/b]it is fascinating and enjoyable... but about [b]70%[/b] of the community are bullies towards "Little Kids". If you don't want to play with someone because they have a voice that you absolutely can't stand, don't be a Bully just say "Sorry I really don't want to do this... I want to do other things" as appose to hurting feelings and being a dick.
You were a kid once whats wrong with it?
If they are screaming in the microphone and being really Annoying then give them a chance tell them your gonna kick them if they keep going, then if they keep going don't retaliate just be chill and say "Hey you had your warning... sorry your being kicked".
The thread is about people being bullies after they say a few words in a high voice. Also if they try to be funny don't laugh and say that wasn't really that funny try something else. About 4 years ago I got Xbox with COD and I did these things to so I can understand why people gave them this reputation. I feel it should be changed a little bit. Fighting fire with fire never works out it's just a waste of time.
If this is changed I would think [b]Destiny [/b]would be more inviting and people under [u]14 [/u] would enjoy it a lot more!
Also shut up about ratings. Look at the movies people sneak in all the time your not gonna stop anything.
In Australia you are allowed to play it so you can't say crap about kids from Aussie. Think of something without involving ratings or do you need to rely on them?
[spoiler]Australia has different spelling and grammar and I am 13 get off my case.[/spoiler]
I'm nearing 30 and yet I understand your issue. In my experience young players can be more fun, driven and respectful, even in raids than older players, such as myself. Human nature is horrible and because "its the internet", many don't think it matters what they say or do and how it impacts others. I've met the whole spectrum in Destiny and I'll take a good mannered "squeaker" over an older person with a disgusting personality. I hope that you find other like minded people so you can enjoy Destiny the way it was intended.
Well said, the only reason younger kids get put into the "squeaker" category is because of the internet, I've seen 100s of videos titled "trolling on a squeaker" with a picture of a kid on the front, it's kind of sad that we pick the worst kind of kid to represent the generation. Hell I'm 16 and I've been called a squeaker ((which actually baffles me because I have a relatively deep voice and I am mature) pretty much a sign of maturity in these forums and games is knowing when to shut up
I'm no kid I'm 14 <
I kick squeakers the second I hear their voice with no hesitation.
I don't mind "squeaky" voices. I just can't stand background noise. that goes for everyone. not just younger Guardians.
Games have age ratings for a reason, in the uk it's a 16 so I don't expect to see kids younger than that playing, it's a damn parents fault for being shit and giving kids whatever they want. Saw a 10 year old in game yesterday and his mum bought him mw3, what the hell!
Thirteen, and well spoken. Good jub bud. Good post with a solid subject.
Edited by Tits McGhee: 10/28/2015 2:51:00 PMI don't bully anyone. I just immediately kick squeakers the second they open their mouths. Not dealing with them. I've given plenty of them their chances, and they were all major headaches to deal with and just ended up causing me and my friends to waste our time someway, somehow, every time. The few I've dealt with have ruined it for the majority. Hate that for them, but it just isn't worth it. Sorry. Not gonna change that. Again, I won't say anything mean to them. But I'm not raiding with them.
I have no problem with kids. Then again I'm only 15 and I play with people who are in there mid to young 20s. But if you are annoying I'll say not to talk as much or to calm down if you're loud. It's a hard thing to find the people who don't give a shit about your age. But you'll find them. And make sure you never lose em. They'll be your best gaming buddies forever man.
I went into a restaurant once and I sat near a family with some young kids, one was being REALLY loud and on their way out, a lady in a group of 3 said something disrespectful, don't know what, and the mom of yelling child got pissed. And I'm just sitting there like 'WTF, weren't you a kid once?'
When I think about. If you are annoying I don't wanna hear your voice. But hey
I've had to boot a couple of younger people (kids-- I think the term "squeakers" is unnecessarily pejorative) from fireteams and both times is was because I found it weird to try and "socialize" with kids, especially in light of how sensitive folks seem to be about the potential for predatory interactions of that kind. Playing games like Destiny (especially tough missions/raids) can lead to emotions running high and frustration, swearing, and other "inappropriate" language that, while I know probably isn't new to most kids playing games online, still is something that kids shouldn't be hearing all the time from adults, IMHO. So rather than struggle to constrain my language and the topics that get discussed, I'd rather spend my free time relaxing with other adults, simple as that. Sometimes I drink a little alcohol while playing as well and that makes keeping up that "adult" facade even more difficult, lol. TL;dr: After watching my mouth and being "dad" all day long, I play games to socialize with other adults and playing with kids kind of goes against that and makes me feel like I have to watch my mouth too much. It's nothing personal, and I hope you can find other folks nearer your own age to play with.
In one breath, you beg for a chance to prove yourself and be given a fair chance. In another, see the spoiler at the bottom of your post, you are telling people to get off your case because your just 13. Which is it? Do you want to sit at the grown-ups table or not? -blam!-ing kids...
I stopped reading when you called destiny an MMO because it's not an MMO
Ive played with people 18+ who act like little kids. As long as you can hold your own and aren't disrespectful age doesn't matter. Sounds like you should just host and kick anyone being a dick.
Ive played with people 18+ who act like little kids. As long as you can hold your own and aren't disrespectful age doesn't matter. Sounds like you should just host and kick anyone being a dick.
Maturity issues not voice.
Look I'm good with you It's anybody 13 and below that i refuse to play with. You're old enough that you've matured a little
Sorry you're having bad experiences. It's a large issue to tackle that combines some very intricate social issues like addressing the way people behave while hiding behind anonymity, people maturing in this environment and the way it is affecting social skills, how to change this behaviour in a forum that is under regulated (both legally it is a very grey area and socially there are very few social ramifications for being a dick). At this point all you can do is be selective of who you chose to play with, and report abusive players. Bungie has a system in place for this, and the more it is used, the more effective it will become. Personally I don't usually play with people your age because our interests and perspectives tend to be very different, but I'm not a Jerk about it. Like you said, I was your age once and respect that at that time in my life we were quite similar and just excuse myself from the game and find one that is populated by people more in line with where I'm at. That being said I've found lots of young gamers who are very chill and are a pleasure to shoot things with. Good luck, and never let the bastards get you down. There are lots of good people to play with.
I have nothing against younger players. However as an adult I have certain principals that involve not corrupting a minor. I game with adults. We speak of topics that are not suitable for a minor. We have many friends that pop in and out of chat just to tell us what they got upto last night. Definitely not suitable for a minor. I hate to be blunt about it. Truly I do, but can you understand why most adults don't want to game with a minor? Its because on some unconscious level we all know its not a good idea. Best advice I can give you is use LFG and make a post that you are looking for people with a similar age range. This post isn't about dumping on you. I sincerely apologise if it comes across that way. This post is about protecting yourself from adults and maybe save yourself some heartache by gaming with people your own age. #Truth
tired of putting raid groups together and we are all running raid no problem. people don't like "squeakers" because mom or dad busts in and turns your Xbox off or tells you to get off now. so mid ogre, sisters and/or oryx they leave no hesitation. this has happened to me WAY to many times. if you can't control how long and when you can be on, well sorry I don't have time for that.
Your parents need to be more involved with your life and make themselves aware of your poor online habits. You should not be giving personal information to perfect strangers.
Im fine with high pitched 2 year olds too young to understand the rating of the game so long as they arent an annoying person... i can deal with the pitch but too often they join and sing, squeal, yell and get frustrated when everyone has been calm and collected in dealing with the child who cant grasp the concept of counter clockwise. Now you personally seem okay because you seem like you arent an idiot and know how to grasp the mechanics of a game. But when destiny has raid mechanics that are as simple as duck, duck, goose and people cant grasp it then i have issues... they could be 12 or 20 but if they are bad, wont listen and refuse to learn... then expect to be yelled at.
Well worded man. I don't mind them as long as they aren't trying to be the center of attention. They can be really good and easy to play with sometimes and they can be really bad and have no respect for other people in the party. I played with a 10 awhile back ago who was bad ass and was doing the most damage against the bosses than anyone else.
A mom posted this.
You deserve being called a squeaker -blam!- why don't you go play halo or some shit little squeaker, I hate kids and every kid I see in a party chat I make sure to say "-blam!- you squeaker" and leave.