When you're 24 and you just got done putting your kid to sleep, the last thing you want is to get on destiny and play with more kids.
Or when you get home from work.
Exactly. You just wanna relax, be stress free and play alone or with some peers. I mean face it, at the end of the day were worn out. The tie is loose and I'm sitting back on my recliner, possibly with a brew. I'm tired and I just wanna raid and go to sleep. Then some squeaker gets in the party chat saying "mother I'm not done playing yet! Sorry guys my moms an asshole." I'm just like *sigh* *ObaidKhan33 has left party chat* I don't wanna hear your obnoxious voice and I don't appreciate you calling your mother an asshole to be appreciated or thought of as cool by some strangers. And yes, this really happened.
Oh I feel ya man. I work nights 10:30-6:30 and when I get home in the morning I just wanna relax do some bounties, strikes, raids and maybe crucible. But then you get that one kid who thinks he knows everything and it just kills the mood.
Yeah dude. Kids are mostly inconsiderate without knowing it. Constant babbling is annoying to someone in a situation similar to what we've described. And yeah man I can feel your pain, you're working the graveyard shift. You must be really worn out by the time you get back home. I work from 1130 am to 630 pm and I'm tired when I get off so I can only imagine man.
It may suck but I like to think of it this way. At least we have a job to complain about.
Amen. And at the end of the month, money to wash away those complaints brotha!
Well another hour and 25min till I get off. Better get back to work. Asphalt doesn't get into trailers on it own. Sadly.
Take it easy, my friend! Which console are you on by the way?
Xbox One. Yourself?
Damn, ps4
So your on the [b][i]Dark Side[/i][/b] of the Force. In any case take care and stay strong Guardian. Happy Looting.
Back to my death star I go. Take care, guardian!
two and a half hours for me. hang in there, man
Totally agree.
Agreed. After explaining fourteen times to your four year old why she has to go to bed you really don't want to explain anything fourteen times to a pre-teen.
Exactly my friend. It's okay. When OP gets to our age, he's gonna be avoiding squeakers as well.
Agreed. I have a 13 year old son. I love him and enjoy playing games with him, but, after dealing with a 13 year old on a 24hr basis 7 days a week, you couldn't pay me to spend my free time with someone else's 13 year old.
Amen! That's the truth man! Very well said