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3/9/2015 7:41:55 AM
I spent most of my time in high school sitting around in my pajamas and drawing comic books/playing guitar. As long as I got my work done, my teachers didn't care if I goofed around after getting done early. English class was easy, I didn't even read the books. I just listened to the class discussions about the plot and BS'd my way through the essays. History was more about learning how to take multiple choice tests. If you can eliminate a few wrong choices, you stand a better chance at getting the right one. Science and math went hand in hand, and were mostly just formulas to get the right answer. What I really learned in high school was that I was smart enough to coast by with little effort. That really isn't helpful tho. I had to learn about effort when I became a parent, which I would have been more prepared for if I learned that in high school. I buckled down, did the parenting while working and going to I got a decent career in healthcare. If not for that, I'd still be working at a gas station with my other slacker buddies. Effort doesn't matter as much in high school as it does in real life, unless you planned on going to a big college afterwards. But learning [i]how[/i] and [i]when[/i] to put in that effort for maximal gains will serve you well in the future!

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