Gt: IndigoRiot on 360 only (with mic and dark below exp)
I'm a girl and happy to add other girls or guys. I've got a lvl29 Hunter, maxed out on bladedancer and working on gunslinger. I want some friends to team up and do dailies, strikes and raids with, and happy to help out with any story missions too.
((Really keen on the raid bit - I've not completed either yet so a nice team of veteran raiders to guide a young hunter through her first raid would be nice!!))
I just made a little babby Titan as well so if anyone wants to do a fresh run through story I'm in.
Indie :3
Edited by Solidus: 3/14/2015 9:26:01 AMAdd me Solidus_Sloth. I can help you do the raid, and help you get to lvl 32.