I'm a 30-something gamer gal who would be interested in joining a clan. I'm really tired of getting stuck playing with children, so it needs to be an adult, friendly, non-elitist group who will accept both men and women, as my boyfriend and I regularly play together. I have a lvl 30 warlock under same name. My boyfriend is under Koarbin and has a lvl 31 warlock and 28 hunter. PS4.
any fresh guardians or veterans of the ages 14+ girls/guys with a mic and ps3 would like to join a clan. [b]Night Hawk Raiders[/b]. send a message if you have any questions :) [u]P.S. We also have our clan under ps4. [/u]
Destiny damsels.... we are recruiting. All girls 18+ we require a mic. I will he honest and say we have one guy that plays with us only because him and his fiance share the same account. Sometimes it's her playing and sometimes it's him. Our girls are awesome everyone gets along very well and we all love to help each other. Check us out. Destiny Damsels.
Sorry just noticed you were looking for girl and guy group
Try revolutionaries of light. Older crowd. Mixed group. Male and female. Ps4. Good times.
Edited by Mr_Jack_Nasty: 3/9/2015 11:02:55 AMRevolutionaries of light check us out sometime. Ps4
You guys are welcome to play with me and my clan! Add me Obeylionnex
[quote]I'm a 30-something gamer gal who would be interested in joining a clan. I'm really tired of getting stuck playing with children, so it needs to be an adult, friendly, non-elitist group who will accept both men and women, as my boyfriend and I regularly play together. I have a lvl 30 warlock under same name. My boyfriend is under Koarbin and has a lvl 31 warlock and 28 hunter. PS4.[/quote] Level 32 Warlock with plenty of experience and part of a mature clan. If interested add me Psn ST6DEVGRU323