please remeber that online gaming on xbox or psn has a lot of adult language and social talk. most older gamers like myself dont like having kids in the room because of this.
Such a flimsy excuse, kids these days know more about adult talk then some adults do.
Doesn't matter if they do. It's not my place to encourage it nor add to it. I turn my mic off unless I need to say something.
really? flimsy excuse? its my preference. if i dont want to raid with 13 yr olds, i dont have too.
You don't have to, no. Don't make weak excuses like that though. If a kid has Internet connection he's already seen and heard worse then what he will raiding with you.
so what you're saying is that it is morally okay for me to add invite a 13 year old or younger into a room that clearly expresses adult humor and language because he or she has already heard it. i should then assume that they have also heard all the bullying and racism within online gaming and allow myslef to be the "live marshall" and contain it. maybe i just dont want to do any of that and game with older players.