This game combines people who play two genres of games that are usually rated M, MMO's and shooters. Most of us are used to dealing with older players.
These boards often complain about "squeakers" being annoying, rude know it alls etc. There are more reasons though on why adults prefer playing with other adults.
1. We like to play with people we have things in common with. (How often do you hang out with adults besides relatives for fun? Well that's how we feel about kids)
2. We like to get content done as efficiently as possible. Nothing worse than hearing some kids mom tell them it's time for dinner and they need to leave or Dad wants to use the TV.
3. When playing with adults we don't need to censor ourselves. I love to crack jokes and have a good time. When a minor is around I often have to censor myself as not to offend or actually commit a crime by saying something that would have been perfectly fine and funny if it were all adults.
4. Drama, a lot of kids love to start fights and arguments. Most adults don't have the time or don't want to waste any effort dealing with "E thugs".
There are plenty more reasons but I think you get the idea. As far as abuse goes, chances are those abusing you are squeakers themselves who's voice recently changed. Most adults won't bully little children since they were once children and most likely got bullied as well. For the record I don't consider kicking you as bullying, I would consider harassing you over your age or making fun of you bullying.
As I said earlier most adults playing this are used to playing M rated games where they usually don't have to deal with as many children. It's just something you have to deal with. Make a clan of people in your age group and have fun with your friends. I'll have fun with mine. good luck.
Hit the nail on the head with that one.
Im 13, i dont do any of these things....i keep quiet because i dislike my voice i dont start arguments, i honestly dont care if somone swears and if i need to do somthing like a nightfall or a raid i tell my mum and she wont call me or ask me to do anything for a couple hours, but i guess not many people are like me -,..,-
No, you are one of the rare ones. I'm sure if most younger people behaved this way you wouldn't see as many posts on the subject. However adults still need to censor themselves around you and most don't enjoy that. Even if you personally don't mind cursing and dirty jokes most self respecting adults would have to tone it down around you.
Nailed it.
Yea, I hate having to check what I say because a minor is playing! It's nothing against them personally!