This will help you on your 100% completion journey. https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/101097919/0/0 If you're referring to the planetary Grimoire card category not being yellow, it's because you haven't obtained the Mercury Grimoire card yet. It's currently unobtainable, and I'm sure it is being worked on. Is that what you were referring to? Just wanted to make sure. : )
Well even earth Mars Venus and the moon show up with a gray bar! Is that normal?
When I look under your "Places" Grimoire category every planet Grimoire card category shows a yellow bar (except for Mercury), not a gray one. For example: Places (98% white/2% grey) Places-Mercury is half full (half white/half grey) Places-Venus (full yellow bar) Places-Earth (full yellow bar) Places-The City (full yellow bar) Places-Moon (full yellow bar) Places-Mars (full yellow bar) Places-The Asteroid Belt (full yellow bar) Places-Jupiter (full yellow bar) Places-Saturn (full yellow bar) Does it look differently on your app?
Yes. I took a screenshot but I'm not sure how to post it
http://postimage.org Here's my screenshot of your Grimoire: http://s2.postimg.org/3sngi9l61/image.jpg
http://postimg.org/image/esf11mihp/80ab8944/ Here's mine how it looks on the destiny app
That just blew me away. I have no idea why your Grimoire looks like that in your app, and when I pull up your Grimoire up in mine it looks completely different.
That's why I'm wondering if maybe it's a bug of some kind.. I'm using a Samsung galaxy S5 on the new lollipop software. So maybe it's something to do with that but it didn't work on kitkat either. I don't know if bungie knows about it which is why I'm posting:)
I'm glad I could clarify. Now they know the root cause. If you need any help with your Grimoire, reply to the other post I have you. I'm always here to help with Grimoire. : )
It looks like I'm having the same problem, so many cards showing incomplete. Not just places but other sections as well. Cabal should show complete, still having problems with dust palace, story introductions, stikes, ect ect. I am also on android Samsung S5. My psn is Smashed-Crab. Can you please acknowledge this reply so I don't have to re-post. Ta.
Thanks for your help! I'm guessing you aren't part of bungie, so thank you for taking the time to help! If you're ever on XBL on the One let me know. Hopefully bungie can make sense of this issue..