don't know what you're talking about, you all I have 3 full sets of raid gear, on every character
I actually did iron banner.
Shut the hell up
I have raid gear for all three, I'm pretty sure. Xur helped, but I was grinding for that shit. It's still earned.
You do a raid. I'll stick with IB and the other 90 of the games content.
I just noticed your GT. Eww...
No thanks, sweetie. ;-)
where's your "all raid" 32's???
i didnt and i dont do crota either
Nope I iron bannered my 32.
I got mine from raids. Then decided to get iron banner gear to be 32 as well. How the hell do you "xurn" 32? He would only give an exotic armor piece, which is one quarter of being 32.
Not me
tell me again how I can Xurn to 32, when he only sells exotic gear, and you can only wear one of each?, oh wait you are just another sad lonely troll, carry on.
Easiest way to start a post that translates to "I need to fill out a hurt feelings report"...somebody call the wwwwhhhaa-bulance
Hope this is a joke.
Looking at your grimoire score you "earned" shit. #gitgudscrub
Oh look, another troll. Someone give him a sheep to eat, maybe he'll go back under his bridge.
Popcorn get your popcorn
You're a moron. Also you don't math good. Based on the fact that you can only equip 1 exotic, that leaves you at level 31.
I guess all my raid gear and exotic bounties came from xur
None of my armor is from xur all raids amd farming
My full raid gear on all my characters says enough
I suppose my full sets of Vault and CE gear are from Xur.