I suppose my full sets of Vault and CE gear are from Xur.
Soz boss, could you give me a step by step guide as to exactly how I should play my game?
Why are people replying to him? If people stop replying to these shit posts they would stop -blam!-ing posting them. STOP REPLYING!
Hey, guess what? Full IB gear. Get wrecked.
Hey buddy u can only equip one exotic at a time so they earned their other armor pieces think a little
Yes even though I only wear raid stuff on my hunter, and have it all maxed on Titan and warlock
Is this still a thing?
How does on xurn level 32? You have to do the raid itself to hit 32...
Funny how across all 3 characters, he doesn't have an exotic weapon equipped...
Nice claim to make when you have an exotic equipped on each character douchebag.
Mad. Bad.
I got crota on all 3 characters - but ya - some don't like the raids - 6 people is a crowd - i did 60 of them - am ready for some POE for sure.
Huh so two full sets of Crota gear and one set of iron banner gear come from Zur?? News to me.
I have 3 full sets of Crota gear on EACH of my 3 different characters. Suck it
You can't 'xurn' 32, you earn the gear from raids and have to work to lvl that gear up.
So your saying Everyone Xurned their crota and Iron banner gear, dont know how that's possible...
I xurned your ma. It was pretty cheap.. Only cost me 1 coin.
I played iron banner for like 60 hours to get to 32 m8
Pretty sure xur doesn't get you to 32 lol
Xur only gives you one piece of 36 light gear. You have to have done raids or grinded IB to be 32.
so you didn't xurn that 139 discipline heart of Praxic Fire? just a coincidence? you can shit talk all you want, I cannot stop you, but I'll point out when you're contradicting yourself without even thinking about it. before hitting that post button, next time maybe you should adjust your gear loadout
I have several different armor combos to get to 32. Full raid set, full ib gear. Maxed third man, archphage, dont touch me, alpha lupi, lucky raspberry. Etc.
Ahem. *In best Peter Dinklage voice* "Guardian Down.. Syndrome"
Yeah you filthy Xurners