? I don't get it. You needed raid armour for 32 until Iron banner. How would anyone have Xur'ned it exactly?
I have all VoG gear and Crotas End gear on my Titan and hunter.
Pathetic how people feel the need to bump irrelevant topics from months ago. Lmao there must be 2 mods running this whole site. Just pathetic.
Woah, this troll got alot of people lol
I have 3 32s with exotic pieces, but even taking the exotic gear away, I still have 3 32s.
Edited by crazeeavery: 5/18/2015 12:39:26 PMYou cant use xur to get to lev 32 100% .. You need max rad gear till house of wolves to rech lev 32.. After tomorrow though you can buy past lev 32 from vanguard.
this is the least provocative troll post I've ever seen.
Ladies and gentlemen, your scorecards please.
The fail is strong with you young shitwalker
I have passed this topic thorough my "reasons for posting a topic on bnet" calculator and it has determined that diminished penile length and girth are the likely causation factors.
Would raid all the time if I didn't have to leave the game go to a third party site or app and look for people. Would prefer in game lfg or...wait I'll not say the other option because that one would have to have so many restrictions and prerequisites.
You can only reach 32 with raid armour, Mr troll. Please come back with something a little less easy to ridicule. Thank you.
An obvious troll is an obvious troll. Back under your bridge, off you go.
Do you even destiny? How the hell do you use xur to get to level 32? [spoiler]The confusion is strong with you young padawan.[/spoiler]
How can you get to level 32 with xur?
I have all crota raid armour on all 3 toons.shall I still do raids?
I rahooled and crotaed my 32.
Seeing how you need 1 exotic and 3 legendary and seeing how Xur only sells exotics how did everyone Xurned their way to 32?
-.- wait what. You know that you can equip more than exotic right?
I iron bannered 32
Nice b8 m8 i r8 8/8 ur gr8
Does it matter?
OP doesnt make enough sense to troll
And at that time the hate stopped because people realized i wanted them to reply
[u]#satire next time, people are really gullible[/u]
Lol furk you man I didn't xurn any of my 32 gear