Lol furk you man I didn't xurn any of my 32 gear
Nice b8 m8 I r8 8/8
Well let me summarize my post the comments are bad troll. You xürned it to. Or I bought a gjallorhorn from him.
Bad troll
He means most of us "Xurned" exotic gear to get to level 32.
What else is Xur for?
Just looked at your inventory... The only exotic heavy weapon you have is dragons breath.........................[spoiler]face palm[/spoiler]
When did xûr start selling raid gear... Oh wait he didn't Sam with ghorn so we didn't do sh!t for "xûring" to 32
What's the difference
Grow up
It's û
Hahah that's so raven.... We all bought our raid gear from xûr, it's the way raid gear works dude. The raid is only good for getting heavy synths
How can you xurned raid gear
You xurned your 32 aswel practice what you preach.
Bad troll is bad
All my 32s have maxed raid gear and the exotics are from nighfall Also my hunter has iron banner gear which i worked my ass off for
I raid 3 times a week. What else am I going to use my strange coins on?
[quote]Stop xürning things and do the raids[/quote] Not really i ONLY bought icebreaker off xur and heck load of heavy ammo synthesis all my gear was earned via raids.
Prove it biotch
I can have 3 32's with gear I only got from nightfall and raids, but I sometimes equip gear I buy from Xur for that certain perk I need atm.
Someone wants attention awwwwww.
I xurn just to piss anyone I can off. That and you know.....RNG
Stop druck destiny texting. Its beneath you....
Got my helmet from nightfall
I have one of each class, all 32's and they all have a full set of maxed gear. Xur doesn't sell my raid gear.