*dashes into fray*
*draws revolver*
*draws sword*
*imbues both with fire*
*begins to cut down this horde*
*removes wave of Lennies*
*as you cut them down the 2 slices of the lennies in half come back together but in to two instead of one*
*goes shooting and cutting through horde of reforming Lennies* *each slash or bullet leaves wound on blue fire* *fire from wounds from all Lennies begin to glow brighter* *fire from wound detonates and incinerates multiplying Lennies*
Edited by ayo logie: 3/9/2015 8:40:12 PM
[spoiler]Sorry, should've cleared that up. Each wound created by my sword or gun will burn with blue fire, then detonate with a small explosion of blue flame, ranging from incineration to mild burns depend on my control. And I say, incinerate.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]u just helped me?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]No, I just explained how and what I meant. They're all turned to ash now.[/spoiler]