So I saw a thread the other day involving ROC strikes and the infrequency of exotic drops... I was pretty discouraged seeing people say stuff like, "800 ROC's completed, only seen 3 exotics drop. . . " also knowing that out the measley 100+ ROC's i'd completed I have only seen or gotten legendary engrams at best. I also saw ALOT of cryptarch hate and advice recommending people not rely on him for exotics.. So! With all that in mind I decided i'm gonna run 10 ROC's just for the hell of it, and went out of my way to remove any and all expectation of legendarys or exotics for that matter.
10 strikes later I have 3 purrple engrams, 1 helm, and 2 heavy weapon. I head back to the tower, and turn in the pile of blues first, while waiting on my purples till last (ocd lol). I rank up through the cryptarch while turning in the blues and go scoop up another legendary boot engram. .
And it should be noted that my expectation level for anything other than shards for these was about a 1/100. Not to mention my own bitter, angry struggles with the cryptarch and RNGesus had left my Give a %@$# light very dim. VERRY dim.
And so, with no fanfare I spammed the decrypt button while envisioning frisbeeing my purple engrams right at that smug douche hateful little tease of a cryptarchs head. I didnt look up at the screen right away, as I was already getting up and getting ready to turn the XBOX off for the night. And this yellow flashing glint caught my eye. I looked up and thought, huh? Did i just get an exotic? Still not knowing what I had just gotten I opened up my inventory and saw it. The great white buffalo of Destiny. A Ghorn. My, Ghorn. Finding that glorious launcher in my inventory was a lot like how I would react if I discovered a beautiful , naked woman had randomly crawled into in my bed. I had so dummed down my expectation level that my synapses werent firing off correctly. My eyes were telling me there was a little yellow box titled, "Gjallarhorn," in my inventory yet my brain, was like Nope! You've been up too long and re seeing things, that cryptarch douche would never give me a Gjallarhorn.. But he did.
So for those of you out there that actually read this far, sorry for my long windedness, and thank you for reading, none of my friends were on when I got it, and I needed an outlet.
Also, this just goes to show RNGesus works in mysterious ways, and it can happen when you least expect it! Dont lose hope! Cryptarch is still a douche though.
Grays man! Ghorn is a blast! I received Ghorn and Thunderlord from engrams. Like you, I expected shards. Happy gaming to you!