I found that there was an adjustment period when I got it... Just takes a bit of time and effort, but it is the outstanding hand cannon in the game.
Most versatile crucible primary. Has pretty much every situation covered
No its sucks I hate it
You're allowed to hate it but it definitely doesn't suck. Switching between TLW and MIDA is an alternative. You're the first person I've noticed who hates it
My friends worship hawkmoon.
Its amazing in crucible and good in pve
U MUST be on Xbox cuz' the hawkmoon, (more like HAWKAWSOME!) is A BEAST in pve, AND in pvp. (Or u jus' suck at the weapon and hate on it cuz' of that.)
No I play Xbox and I'm pretty good with handcannons but hawkmoon isn't that good for me..
[quote]No I play Xbox and I'm pretty good with handcannons but hawkmoon isn't that good for me..[/quote] Ps3** idk why I typed Xbox lol
It's better on ps4 I play on PS3 and ps4 and hand cannons are much harder to use on the PS3