K, be back tomorrow, you seem tired, and if it helps, I'll help you deal with the back-uppage down In the underworld.
*Throws a rock with a "Don't Comeback" note on it*
Edited by AgentMizzmo: 3/10/2015 3:02:50 AM*sleeping on bar floor being guarded by Whit* *Snoring*
*Throws you across the street* OUT!
*continues to sleep in parking lot, on sidewalk* *AI pops up* [i]Hello, I am zeta, now that Mizz is out, can you stop beating him? His house is being fumigated, he just lost his mother, and is in a... Cranky state right now, he won't be so Whiny and Jerky in the morning.[/i]
I'm Satan, the ruler of Hell (not entirely my choice), I don't do nice. My answer is no.
[i]He is numbed, won't feel anything, no pain and suffering from him, I feel you won't enjoy that, now if you don't ask, I will have to have a... Friend come and kick your a-- Sincerely, Zeta[/i]
Doubting that.
Edited by AgentMizzmo: 3/10/2015 3:21:00 AM*Armor locks up and clamps to ground* *New ship flies in, Meta steps out* [b]*Growling*[/b] *Meta sits by Mizz and stays* [i]Please, don't attempt, it'd be a shame if you were to lose your leg. Now please go back to work. I am going to file a formal complaint about your treatment of guests to either Ulca or CEO. Response to your next comment won't happen, as Mizz's armor is powering off. Good night.[/i] *AI shuts off
*Throws Meta into space* [b]Look what Hell you have wrought![/b]
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