[i]He is numbed, won't feel anything, no pain and suffering from him, I feel you won't enjoy that, now if you don't ask, I will have to have a... Friend come and kick your a--
Sincerely, Zeta[/i]
Doubting that.
Edited by AgentMizzmo: 3/10/2015 3:21:00 AM*Armor locks up and clamps to ground* *New ship flies in, Meta steps out* [b]*Growling*[/b] *Meta sits by Mizz and stays* [i]Please, don't attempt, it'd be a shame if you were to lose your leg. Now please go back to work. I am going to file a formal complaint about your treatment of guests to either Ulca or CEO. Response to your next comment won't happen, as Mizz's armor is powering off. Good night.[/i] *AI shuts off
*Throws Meta into space* [b]Look what Hell you have wrought![/b]
*no reply*
[spoiler]Technically a reply[/spoiler]