So not going to lie, I didn't really read all of this. But I got the gist. I voted keep it the same. And by that I mean if you're annoying, be you 9, 19 or 90, I [i]will[/i] treat you with less respect than someone who is being a helpful teammate no matter if they are 9, 19 or 90.
Tl;Dr don't be annoying. If you're not I don't care how old you are.
The problem is most younger kids don't know they are annoying. In all honesty I don't care if they yell in the mic or make annoying sounds but if one of my friends is about to join the party I'll give them a heads up that they should settle down cuz my friends can be real douchebags... I was really proud of one of my friends once tho cuz usually he hates "squeakers" and one joined our party and instead of cussing him out he politely asked him to quiet down.