I feel bad for you. My son is 14 and is bullied on Destiny by basement-dwelling, broken-home product 20-year-olds hopped up on nicotine and Mountain Dew - convinced they are smarter than everyone at their $8.25/hr job. I'll take a 13 year old "squeaker" over some post-adolescent scab who can't come to grips with the fact that their teenage years were wasted on Manga, bitter self-resentment, and the pursuit of a manic pixie dream girl who's into video games. Those 20 year-old sack wagons change their tune pretty quick when I log on and join the fire team. I can smell the funk of cheeto-crusted scrotums and spilt energy drinks through my headset when I level the playing field with an assault of middle-aged mental abuse. Those losers need to Quit picking on my son and other tweens, peel themselves off that rank bean bag chair in the basement, and get back in school. If they can't, They need to STFU and deliver my pizza on time for once!
Fore someone so concerned about there child you don't think you should take the time to set parental controls rather than exposing them to every random creep on the internet and more so it's kind of crazy that there are kids in this world with real problems living in real bad settings hear we are talking about a kid geting bullied on a $400 collet console
Edited by Way 2 Go Donny: 3/10/2015 6:12:39 PMIf I understand what you're saying, I should just assume everyone, including you, is just some stereotypical introverted loser who skips therapy sessions to belittle 14 year olds online? Then, in order to spare him from the sociopathic mouth-breathing homophobic remarks he receives, I'll set his voice communications and messaging to friends-only and put a password on his account. Are there any other stereotypes you'd like me to help perpetuate, or just the one about gamers?
I'm just saying I don't expose my child to random ppl on the Internet but to each there own
Perfect response... Bump and bravo!!
Your son probably sucks, stupid squeeker shouldn't even be playing this game. How about you fix your parenting and actually go out and do stuff with your kid rather than letting him sit at home all day playing. Your Xbox or Playstation isn't your babysitter MAN UP AND TAKE CARE OF YOUR CHILD, THAT ISN'T OUR JOB.
And this is what you all have given the cutsie name of "troll". Again, I say if someone needs to insult, degrade, or get a rise out of others so that they can be happy, fulfilled, or turned on, there is cause for concern over your psychological status.
Get off destiny old man.
-blam!-ING EPIC!!! I can only upvote once unfortunately.
Dude your post is awesome. I love to mentally abuse Destiny idiots on the forums, and back when I played this mindless game I always tried to help out people who weren't as good. The sad thing about this game is only losers and idiots play it anymore b/c there is nothing left to do in it. For your son, I recommend Little Big Planet. Great game, even as a 30-something adult it is a blast. Up to 4 people can play on the same screen too.
This has to be some of the funniest truth that has been posted to the internet un a while.
Edited by Phantom, Kell of Bonks: 3/10/2015 1:15:49 PMMy fiance and I are both 25 and were discussing this topic the other day. Alot of your points were mentioned, and by tgw way those neckbeard dbags are called basement trolls.
I'm 20 with a contractor license in hvac a fiance a 3yr old and I own my house with 7 acres of land. So don't go saying we're all washed up basement bound adolescents. Not cool man
Soooo, having an HVAC cert gives you the right to bully little kids?
? I was just defending us 20 year Olds no one said anything about bullying people man I don't sink down so low to pick on people over a game.
He didn't say all 20 year olds.
No harm done here.
The world needs more young men like you, that when faced with real adversity, accept it head on like a man and do right by those they care about. You're not the type of person who rips on an 8th grader for something as pointless as dropping the relic on VoG.
Not all of us 20 year olds are washed up assholes, some of us are respectable human beings and would gladly help out soneone younger. If your son needs help and he's on Xbox One, have him pm me and I can get a group together to do a raid, nightfall, hell even some story missions if he's not high enough level.
Lol get rekd.
This dude^
Sounds like you're writing an auto-biography. Don't hate yourself, it won't solve anything.
Killed it
Or worse.. wasted their childhood playing Destiny. This game is absolute garbage. I won't let my kid near it b/c it seemed to make him stupid around the holidays. I literally watched him shoot into a cave all christmas so he would win some pixels from this stupid game b/c he had already beaten the actual game in 2 days ahd had nothing left to do but the same stuff over and over.