Haha this forum is ironic people are bullying a 13 year old grammatically
Honestly i dont care how old,you are as long as you dont
1. Join my fireteam without relizeing the consequences once you join you must stay unless it was on accedient
2.if you join my raid please ask to do so before hand so i dont have to deal with an unwanted
I.E doing a flawless raid run and someone joins your party it ruins the trophy attempt
3. Dont say my name 8 times
Lastly. be cool dont scream evertime you die it happenes we will manage to get threw it. Dont act like an idiot like name calling noob or im better than you is the worst thers worse i was 13 at one time on cod the amount of shit talk i did was unreal then i matured but i do look back and feel bad to,call a,person a stupid bit$h and beat them at search imagine a 13 year old disrespecting you so mutual respect is my biggest point witch i learned after joining my current 2 year and hopefully long lasting clan