For the love of all things sane, please do SOMETHING to help us "Negatives" in the Crucible. Now, by "Negatives" I don't mean Debbie-Downers or haters, I mean people (like me and a lot of other folk) who constantly go negative in the Crucible. Those people who are blessed when they go net zero, whose blood pressure goes through the roof just to do a simple thing like take five steps, whose only playing Crucible because of an Exotic bounty.
Bungie, you've never let us down and have only produced good as far as gaming goes so I will trust that you will do something to fix this issue. However, I can suggest a couple things on behalf of me and those around me. Get rid of heavy ammo (only in certain modes if there appears to be back-lash), Implement death streaks or power-ups for us who are just trial and error for 1000 ways to die over and over again, stop requiring Crucible for Exotic bounties.
Well rewarding you for being bad is asinine, and they won't do it...nor is it an issue. But what they COULD do it add private match with something like..lets say...bots, for you to practice and get better with, or add a practice mode where only people with negative KDS could go to practice with other nonexperienced players.