Hello I am a [u]13 year old[/u] gamer and I play [b]Destiny[/b]. When I join someone or go on [b]raids [/b]I am Called "[i]Squeaker[/i]".
I am apparently someone to laugh at and abuse for being [u]2 years[/u] younger then another person. About 1 in 15 people are nice and don't care. When I need help with a Raid I invite people and ask people for help, then I am abused because I am [u]13 [/u]and have a voice that is kind of high.
I play with[u] 6-9 year old's[/u] if they need help... most other people just bully them and ruin the experience of Communication on this awesome [b]MMO[/b]. I love [b]Destiny [/b]it is fascinating and enjoyable... but about [b]70%[/b] of the community are bullies towards "Little Kids". If you don't want to play with someone because they have a voice that you absolutely can't stand, don't be a Bully just say "Sorry I really don't want to do this... I want to do other things" as appose to hurting feelings and being a dick.
You were a kid once whats wrong with it?
If they are screaming in the microphone and being really Annoying then give them a chance tell them your gonna kick them if they keep going, then if they keep going don't retaliate just be chill and say "Hey you had your warning... sorry your being kicked".
The thread is about people being bullies after they say a few words in a high voice. Also if they try to be funny don't laugh and say that wasn't really that funny try something else. About 4 years ago I got Xbox with COD and I did these things to so I can understand why people gave them this reputation. I feel it should be changed a little bit. Fighting fire with fire never works out it's just a waste of time.
If this is changed I would think [b]Destiny [/b]would be more inviting and people under [u]14 [/u] would enjoy it a lot more!
Also shut up about ratings. Look at the movies people sneak in all the time your not gonna stop anything.
In Australia you are allowed to play it so you can't say crap about kids from Aussie. Think of something without involving ratings or do you need to rely on them?
[spoiler]Australia has different spelling and grammar and I am 13 get off my case.[/spoiler]
I would never "bully" anyone on the game, its just pathetic to try and act like a tough guy from a couch playing video games. The only reason I don't prefer to play with kids that young is the same reason I wouldn't hang out with kids in the real world, I'm 27 years old. I have two kids of my own and a wife, it's kinda weird playing with young kids online and we don't have anything in common. But it's not just 13 and under, most 15-17 year olds these days are immature, narcissistic, completely ignorant but act like they're the know all be all. I tried match making for one of my weekly strikes last week. 2 of us start and clear the first few waves of enemies, immediately before the yellow captain comes in (beginning of sepiks prime strike) the third guy comes in finally and says "sorry guys I had to eat my dinner first but don't worry I'm here now, just follow my lead" he proceeds to die multiple times, every time loudly complaining about how it wasn't his fault. We get to the devil walker and he is shooting it with a fusion rifle from 30 feet away while we kill him with black hammer, he died twice before we decided he'd have to wait until we killed the walker. After all that it was time for sepiks herself. On the walk up the steps he starts telling us to wait back in the room (the one that auto spawns a captain) so he can snipe sepiks and have us revive him when needed. Keep in mind he was using a long bow, we both had black hammers, and it wasn't a nightfall so why the hell would anyone sit back to revive someone when they die? We never even paused for him, we ran right by and killed sepiks before the second waive off enemies spawned. Best part the other guy and myself both got legendary engram's, the kids was furious "why would they give two out of three legendaries!!?? That's so not fair!!". Sorry long post, but point is it's not just 12 and under, a ton of teens are annoying as hell. You can't expect adults to want to play with young kids, the ones that do you gotta worry about