It doesn't work like that, a lot of factors come in, like gravity. It is a very well thought out and proven hypothesis.
It actually was seen as impossible at first... Until scientists threw 4 billion years at it and then they decided it could happen, so all that evolution stands on is time a probability... I need more to believe
Then your just going to have to look for yourself, I am not the messenger, I just have a clear understanding about reality. It isn't a belief it is a fact whether you believe it or not.
Is it now? Many theories in science have been disproven later in the future.. Only a fool closes his mind, you should always question your ideas. I for one am always eager to learn something new. Perhaps God used evolution? But through all my studying I have not found enough evidence to prove otherwise... Fossil record is probably leading cause for my unbelief... Where are missing fossils
I have an open mind, I was a christian who believed earth was created in 7 days. Then I opened my eyes and saw that it wasn't true. Theories don't get disproven, hypothesize do.
Ic, well if you have any good articles Id like to read anything you have. Lately iv been reading up a lot on carbon dating.. It's a pretty inaccurate means to date something iv found especially farther back then 20,000 years the carbon has depleted to an amount less then is measureable