It's like high school really
Hunters are the outcast rebel kids
Warlocks are the chess club nerds taking honors classes for fun
Titans are the jocks/popular kids
wait titans are popular
Are jocks and popular kids ever really popular
as long as the ladies are happy
Jealous of sweeper bot. - old
I approve this message. -
Except that's a stereotype of high school which isn't fair to super awesome kids that are way cooler than that
So warlocks are the ones that will actually amount to something
False warlocks are the smart kids who actually succeed in life. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Yeah I totally match with the hunter 😂
That... is a really good description actually like spot on.
Yea don't get me wrong though I hung out with all those people in high school but I spent my lunch period with the outcast rocker people maybe that's why I have two hunters
I used to be in a band, where does that put me?
What kind of band?
Hunter or Warlock depending on what you played.
'Linkin Park' type of rock
Alright, what instrument did you play specifically?
I handled the mixing board and drum pad
Definitely warlock lol
Gross drum pad!! Started off good with being in a rock band and then killed it
Pretty spot on