Quit with the nerf this nerf that posts. This is what happened to the Black Ops series and for the rest of its lifespan, guns shot butterflies because everyone cried when they got killed.
Instead of nerfing everything, give every weapon a huge buff. Make the game fun to play for pete's sake.
Ahh you guys are Infinity Ward fans... Thank you for being smart and reasonable! Mw2 is my fave CoD of all time just because everything could kill. No, "oh well I mean why should I use this when I can use this" like all the newer CoDs. And the Nuke. Everyone complained "all it was is killstreak kills" well then don't let me get my killstreak :)
MW2 was the shit. MW3 was fun, too. Plenty of weapons that were viable. After that it went straight downhill. Almost Vertically.
Definitely. I miss old Infinity Ward. All these kids making like Treyarch is the only good CoD Dev. Pfft do you even Modern Warfare?
Probably why MW2 was my favourite Cod. One man army with noob tubes = the most fun you'll have all day. Haha
Ugh. One man army noob tubers were the worst. MW3 FTW.
It was annoying but fun at the same time, can't really explain it but since mw3 the fun factor has gone from cod. I loved mw3 too. :)
CoD went downhill after MW3. Treyarch definitely ruined the series with that BO bullshit.
Hell yeah! Buff the buffs and nerf the nerf