So, an old fraternity brother of mine and I are looking to have a blast tonight. Myself and Prez320 will be tearing through the roc strike playlist.
So.. Why is this unique, you ask? Well for starters, we have dubbed it our inaugural *Smash and Smash.*
I'll have to post the rules later (when we figure all of them out), but basically it is a combination of strict rules, while also being a drinking game.
We will both be in striker Titans, using only Universal remote as a primary, ANY shotgun as a secondary, and Rocket Launchers. Possible drink penalties may include things like *I DEATH FROM ABOVED ROCKETS McDICKFACE! NOW FINISH YOUR DRINK! Could get very interesting, very quickly.
We will be on PS4, and there's only 2 of us, so I hope to see many of you out there. Hopefully you can join us in our merriment!
DISCLAIMER-21+ recommended.
EDIT: Ideas and comments are welcome. Help us make this a memorable night!
Just finished a no land beyond only challenge with my small clan. Was fun. This week is shotguns only. Just shotguns. Lol