Recruit member to do heists on! Create Teams and fight for battle! Include your console and ign
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Soooo many replies
Edited by Ninespeed9: 3/15/2015 11:54:15 PMNeed one for heist add ninespeed9 on ps4(I'm a girl 👧)
I need one more person for the prison break heist on ps4. Add me.
Xbox 1 Final heist On finale GT: DEMONTWINKE need three more Send message for invite
Need a team to do the bus of prison break. Leave Xbox one gt below.
Need one more for the start of prison break.
Need 1 for setups and finale 4th heist xb1 GT- lx JHo xl Msg me
Need one more for the start of Prison Break on Xbox one. Gt is the same as above.
Need one more for the next to last step of Humane raid Heist. Ps4.
Need two people for the 4th setup of the fourth heist on Xbox1 message gt HnBxPothead for inv
Going to do prison break finale Xbox one. Need 3 with mics username is GT
Need one for prison break- station on (PS4) Add gotchu1 interested
Need one more on Xbone msg me Thee0wl
Need one more humain (Fresh) Gt same as above
Need 2 for humane labs
Need 1 more for prison break Xbox one GT: scappy COCO117
Willing to help anyone with anything, ive done all heists, im lvl 149 on ps4 and play free aim.
Need 2 more for prison break finale GT: ShotgunSkullz
Edited by MannsMM: 3/15/2015 11:02:07 PMNeed 2 for insurgents setup humane labs ps4 PSN: MannsMM
Edited by scappy COCO117: 3/15/2015 10:55:23 PMNeed 1 more for prison break fresh start GT: scappy COCO117 Xbox one
Need people for prison break ps4 mobz-lsd
Need two for the series A funding heist on Xbone Send me a message on Xbox for an invite NEED A MIC
Edited by Rs_sHooK: 3/15/2015 10:58:45 PMNeed one for Pacific Standard Heist - Xbone Gt: Shook3n Must have mic.. Annoying working with people that we can't communicate with.
Need two for the series A funding heist on Xbone Send me a message on Xbox for an invite NEED A MIC
Need 1 more for prison break setup on xbox 360 message for an invite. Gt same as name
Edited by SimpForEmiru: 3/15/2015 10:49:29 PMNeed 1 for prison break setup Msg DeadlockExe
Need two for the series A funding heist on Xbone Send me a message on Xbox for an invite