Recruit member to do heists on! Create Teams and fight for battle! Include your console and ign
Follow me for more posts! Thank you!
Be sure to join the group [b][u]HeistNation[/u][/b]!
Soooo many replies
Need one more for The Prison Break Heist. GT is the same as my name. Message me for an invite.
Need 2 more for 4 player heists any level welcome
Looking for one more for the second heist must have mic and be 40+ msg on xbox1 xXDARKxPH3NOXx
Looking for one more for the second heist must have mic and be 40+ msg on xbox1 xXDARKxPH3NOXx
Starting FRESH prison break heist on HARD XBOX1 GT: WarHawkRANGER
Edited by BodybyEBT: 3/11/2015 11:46:27 AMLooking for two for prison break message me or reply on here gt is same as above xbone
Looking for one more for the first heist must have mic and be 40+ msg on xbox1 xXDARKxPH3NOXx
Need one for humans labs Xbox one.
Any one looking for a member to help with heists add me Goonalicous69
Need one more for Xbox one heist "The Prison Break" Msg xXI Hyphy IXx or xXI Karrma IXx
Official gta 5 heists forum[spoiler]will not go to GTA forums[/spoiler]
XBOX ONE Need two people for the prison break heist Message Hellboyjak
(XBOX 360) Need two for the heist "The Prison Break" we're doing it fully, plane, bus, station, wetworks, and the finale, if you want to join comment your gamertag and I'll send you a game and party invite.
Need one more for Xbox one heist "The Prison Break" Msg xXI Hyphy IXx or xXI Karrma IXx
I'm on Xbox one and my GT is ipasswindonu msg me please
Xbox 360 I don't care who I join Ign: Alucardmai
PS3 add XXSnowballzXx
Need 4 for Xbox prison break at 12:00pm
Need one for prison break station on xbox one message UniPotato for invite
Need to do the heist after Prison Break, add me on PS4
360 Shotz Team.Join here! Console:360 IGN:ItsVortexxBruh Comment here to join
Edited by Beugesy: 3/11/2015 6:25:43 AM2 prison break heist on Xbox 1 Message; z welsh z
Need 2 for prison break heist on ps4 add ogdopekilla
Need 2 for prison break heist add dieselneverburns please be experienced
[quote]Recruit member to do heists on! Create Teams and fight for battle! Include your console and ign[/quote] Cant start a heist but will help anyone out. Xbox one gt: BippNasty541