*trains in the world that never was* damn that rune is powerful
Yes, an excerpt straight from Thoron. It is very powerful, the most you'd ever find in a rune.
So what powers does my gunblade now have?
Heh, it for one, can harness the power of electricity in your strikes. Two, it can shoot a small lightning bolt from it now, a light one, though, not too powerful And last, it could, with training, yield to emit a weak EMP blast
How do I go about training with this new power
Hm, well you go about training it as you would train yourself: just "exercise" it, use it to it's fullest capability.
Alright, and if you find any more like this, think you could copy it's power and we can work something out?
That would be good, though I must say that may be one of the strongest ones I've seen, an excerpt from an Ancient Tome. I may find more on my travels, then yes, we can work something out ;)
Thanks mate