"Why do we still get shards"
"Why haven't I got the Gjallarhorn"
"Why are people still 31 scrubs"
"Warlocks suck"
"Titans suck"
"Hunters suck"
"People killing me suck"
Why oh why do all these people feel the need to complain and whine so much?
I mean, it's a game. It's supposed to be fun - not life itself.
Why people still want shards?
Because some people doesn't have the time to grind out 10 raids a week, but still might want to lvl up their gear? I haven't even maxed out my vanguard marks ONCE the last five weeks, and I don't have a 150 strange coins in my vault. (Yes, I am a scrubby noob)
Seriously - if the rewards suck that bad - stop doing the missions.
If you feel you have done everything there is to do - play something else.
If you want that ONE exotic gun - just play, you will get there, but with no control of when you do - LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE DID.
But please, for the love of RNGesus - stop bitching and ruining the fun for those of us who still haven't maxed out everything and still enjoy playing.
There ARE actually other players in Destiny's universe, and you might want to consider behaving like a normal human being.
Unless you usually run around screaming "Scrub!" and "Noob!" to random people, kicking everyone you feel don't meet you standards, and complain loudly about everything that did or didn't happen to you in real life too.
Then, please, do the opposite of what you consider "normal behaviour". ☺
Thank you for your time. Now, go play, and try to have fun.....
I forgot:
The "I am so sick of all the whiners" - whiners.
Seems like you're the one bitching
It is only because of jealousy, hunger for attention, and the need to feel superior. Human faults. Much we have to learn, much.
Youre so goddam right ^^
I think if it's a DLC daily or weekly and you get shards/energy it should be radiant.
People are spoiled. They don't get their way and they throw a fit. Adults even. Some people just aren't satisfied and want to bitch about the game like just play it's simple as that
Edited by TheArtist: 3/12/2015 3:17:40 PMFor some of these kids....this IS their normal behavior. That's the problem at the end of the day. You're dealign with kids and young "adults" who are immature...and have a limited ability to see things from OTHER people's points of view. So they see everything from their own personal point of view...and think that THEIR needs are EVEYRONE ELSE's too. Its like an old joke that floated around campus where I went to college. It poked fun at the combination of immaturity and inflated egos that ran rampant among the students: [i] Why don't they teach Astronomy to (University X) freshmen? Because they all think that the Center of the Universe is approximately wherever they happen to be standing. [/i] Its the same situation here...and internet forums give that mindset a public platform and airing.
Amen. This is seriously the best read I've seen in awhile on this forum.
Bitches gonna bitch.
When you rage so hard you make a big post in a forum full of trolls. #GonnaHaveABadTime
...nerf the nerfers
I totally agree. The only thing that I think should be changed is when your doing a Dark Below nightfall or daily you should get Radiant Materials instead
You're bitching about others that bitch. [spoiler]why so serious?[/spoiler]
What's going on here then?
Edited by The Boss Harmony: 3/12/2015 1:52:28 PMI blame young age and People beeing used to achieving stuff in games quite easily. If you still remember times where dying in a videogame meant "start the world over again... from the very beginning!" (and not start from the last Checkpoint) for Example you just don't whine that much.
Cause this community hasn't hit puberty
Edited by da Real B0B: 3/12/2015 9:09:05 AMyou may enjoy shards, energies, and coins, but most of us do not. it's a legitamate complaint. you may not have time to do 10 raids a week, but truth is, you haven't finished one VoG and don't have the DLC. for those of us who do the raids, energies and shards suck
Amen to all that. It's just a game. End of.
Life sucks man
I don't agree with the "general consensus" of these forums on very many points. One of the few points I do agree with is ascendant materials from Nightfalls. I already get them from daily heroics, faction rank up packages, and engrams. I don't need any more. I'm not asking for guaranteed exotics or 100 strange coins, just give me a legendary weapon or armor and let me decide whether I turn it into materials or not.
You just whined about whiners, good job man.
Nerf OP too OP
WHERE'S MY HAWKMOON?!!! I WANT IT! I WANT IT! I WANT IT NOW! NOW! NOW! *stamps the floor repeatedly with full insolence*
Dude, you can get 6 shards/energy every day on public events. Using the event tracker app this takes about thirty minutes. Do it on multiple characters and they add up really fast. You can do all this everyday solo. Public events are a very fun part of the game. These should not be part of a nightfall.
I'm pissed about not getting gjallahorn, my brother and cousin both got it this week. I've ran everything except Crota hard mode twice but I've gotten thunder lord and last word so far, not too bad
Having fun with gozen-c, final round, 3 bullets/mag on crucible