So I've been playing destiny quite a bit... A little too much if you ask my girlfriend. I've found that the community is primarily white. There's been a good number of racist incidents I've shamefully witnessed on mics in parties and it seems that every time the white kid always complains about how he's offended for being called out on his ethnicity. Well... I'd just like to leave these here. Please, educate yourselves.
EDIT: Obviously most of you don't truly understand what reverse racism is. No, it is not compassion. Please google what it is or just read the damn articles.
EDIT: This isn't a post saying only white people can be racist. Anyone can be racist, but not to whites.
EDIT: I'll dumb it down for ya [url=]link#3[/url]
EDIT: And if you need humour for it to be explained to you: [url=]link#4[/url]
Racism isn't something that can only be experienced by a particular group. It can be experienced and committed by anyone. Racism is simply a discrimination that is based solely on race, creed, color, religious belief, sexual preference, occupation, etc. If you abuse or attempt to oppress someone just because of a superficial factor then you are committing racism. A white person who does this to another ethnic group or other class is being racist. Take out "white" and substitute any other group: black, Latin, Asian, etc and they are being racist. Anyone that says they can't be racist because of whatever reason is ignorant of the term or is making some kind of justification for doing harm. A black person calling a white person a slur is no better than the white person that calls a black person a slur or epitaph. The ethnic cleansing that has been going on in several continents for generations has always stayed with the same bullshit reasoning: "this is justice because of what our group experienced before". Racism is harmful no matter who is doing it or experiencing it. Anyone justifying their harmful behaviour is simply classifying themselves as worthless.