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Edited by PHD Insanity: 3/12/2015 12:58:48 PM

Rainbow Six Siege

Is anyone else ready for this game. I have been trying to get any little bit of info that I can. I can't seem to find anything on it they are being so secretive with the news on the game. If anyone knows anything about it besides the basics please share. Game will be PC, Xbox One, and PS4 only sorry last gen. General Info on Game (I copied what they right because link won't work):[spoiler]GAME INFO TOM CLANCY'S RAINBOW SIX SIEGE IS THE UPCOMING INSTALLMENT OF THE ACCLAIMED FIRST-PERSON SHOOTER FRANCHISE DEVELOPED BY THE RENOWNED UBISOFT MONTREAL STUDIO FOR THE NEW GENERATION OF CONSOLES AND PC. INSPIRED BY THE REALITY OF COUNTER TERRORIST OPERATIVES ACROSS THE WORLD, RAINBOW SIX SIEGE INVITES PLAYERS TO MASTER THE ART OF DESTRUCTION. INTENSE CLOSE QUARTERS CONFRONTATIONS, HIGH LETHALITY, TACTICS, TEAM PLAY, AND EXPLOSIVE ACTION ARE AT THE CENTER OF THE EXPERIENCE. THE MULTIPLAYER GAMEPLAY OF RAINBOW SIX SIEGE SETS A NEW BAR FOR INTENSE FIREFIGHTS AND EXPERT STRATEGY IN THE RICH LEGACY OF PAST RAINBOW SIX GAMES. COUNTER TERRORIST UNITS ASSUME THE ROLES OF GLOBAL COUNTER TERRORIST OPERATIVES, SPECIALIZING IN CLOSE-QUARTERS COMBAT, DEMOLITION AND BRUTALLY PRECISE EXECUTION OF COORDINATED ASSAULTS. THE SIEGE GAMEPLAY BREACH ENEMY STRONGHOLDS WITH NEW TACTICAL MEASURES OR FORTIFY YOUR OWN WITH DEFENSIVE RESOURCES IN BOTH SIDES OF SIEGES, A BRAND-NEW MODE OF ASSAULT COMBAT FOR THE RAINBOW SIX SERIES. PROCEDURAL DESTRUCTION CHANGE THE LANDSCAPE OF YOUR ASSAULT WITH AN UNPRECEDENTED LEVEL OF ENVIRONMENTAL DESTRUCTION. WALLS CAN BE SHATTERED, AND FLOORS AND CEILINGS CAN BE BREACHED. MASTERING THE ELEMENT OF DESTRUCTION IS THE KEY TO VICTORY.[/spoiler] [u]What We Know[/u] 1. There are two teams of five players 2. Game is heavily based on multiplayer and team work 3. The Counter Terrorist Team (Attacking Team) have three classes to choose from- Assaulter, Breacher, & PointMan (names along with gear and stats may be changed) 4. Every round the teams switch between Terrorist (Defending Team) and Counter Terrorist (Attacking Team) providing each team a chance to adapt to the others strategies. 5. At the start of each round the Terrorist will have a chance to fortify the building, & the Counter Terrorist will have a chance to send in recon drones to gather info on their defenses and what room the Hostage is located in. 6. [b]EVERY[/b] board, door, window, wall, & more are destructible. Think BF4 times a [b]MILLION[/b] If you want you may shoot out individual boards in a wall for an advantage in breaching a room or when defending you could take down an entire wall to limit the attacking teams choices. So don't be afraid to use those explosives. 7. The game will have gunplay on par if not better than other Rainbow Six games( This is not seen in video either because they wanted their demo to look better or because they didn't have recoil programmed into the guns they explain this somewhere else.) 8. You can choose you point of breaching as the Counter Terrorist wether it be the roof, front door or garage, & as the Terrorist choose where you want to hold up in the building. 9. The Hostage has an amazing AI (ex. When there is a gunshot she will take cover and scream or if she will call out to the Counter Terrorist to save her) P.S. If you are a Terrorist you can use her/him as a shield. 10. Each team has two ways to win Counter Terrorist can kill all Terrorist or escape with the Hostage, & the Terrorist can hold out until time is up with the Hostage or kill all Counter Terrorist. This is just a starter list of the many things you can do in siege there is more to be added if you find it tell me. P.S. I'm sure there are many spelling and grammar mistakes... So sorry.

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