*Limps over*
Alondite I actually found something. I have good and bad news. Good news is all the trap tomes reveal the final tomes location and zecs plan. Bad news is he's closer than we thought. Also as I grabbed the last trap tome he appeared and tried to kill me.Luckily got a good stab or two in but he cut me bad on my leg.
You are wounnded as such, but he has probably healed by now. Your stab will have slowed him down, mb giving us 8 more hours to prepare. Thank you *bows* (plus I do know where the last tome is, it was actually the first one I knew of, just had to go in order.)
It had my own special brew of poison on it lets just say he wont be moving in a couple hours
[spoiler]Ya, he'll be sleeping lolz[/spoiler] Ereshkigal had made him superhuman, the poison will do nothing. Bullets bounce off his bare skin. Ereshkigal has transformed him, into one might foe.