I don't know why I own 5 Gjallarhorns, it is something wrong with the system of "random rewards"?.
This is the way i got them:
1- In Atheon on hard the second time I beat him!.
2- In the Crucible by playing control.
3- In a Nightfall completed on Wednesday.
4- Defeating Crota on normal, when the Dark Below just were released!.
5- Another Nightfall but this time I defeated Omnigull on friday.
On the other hand... I was looking for "Black Hammer" and after a lot of repetitive weapons i finally got it this week!.
Dear Bungie crew:
"Can you let me open a Gjallarhorn store in the Tower?" jajaja
Regards from "Led Zeppelin Army".
Enrage has 9
I just got my third and died laughing! I'm thinking about having one for every attack value so people know how many I have. I'm gonna keep these just in case bungee opens up to trading. [spoiler]p.s. I only need the ps4 exclusives to have them all. I'll trade you if it happens.[/spoiler]
Enraged Cenima has 7
If I was you I would dismantle them.......
Would by them all just for the law leans then Dismantle for the lawls
I saw a guy who said is entire heavy section in the vault and on him is all GHORNS I was like bruh shoot me
Give me one asshole u ve gallahorn I play everyday almost 10 hours and I can't get one so shut up son of bitch
I've gotten 12 ice breakers.
I got notin good from nightfall I thought I was gonna get jelly horn
Edited by Manuel: 3/14/2015 7:51:16 AMI've got only 2 ones :) Play every day since release.
Am gonna go cry in the corner now
That's awesome
Thanks for nothing
Nice b8 m8 I noticed as soon as I looked at Gally with the solar it just didn't look right
My friend has gotten 9 Ghorns, I have watched in awed hatred as he steals them from worthy guardians. One night he got Ghorn, Dragons Breath, and NLB in 2 raids. RNGesus is a bitch.
Fgt enragedcinema has 9
By the way... I want to get my 7 years emblems (Heroic/legend/mythic) but I don't know how to and why those emblems are not in the tower waiting for me!.
Edited by Apollo: 3/14/2015 12:55:17 AMI dont even have one :-;
I remember when I couldn't get 1! Now I have 8 gallahorns on play station and 3 on Xbox so I have 11 in all
Edited by Diamond: 3/13/2015 6:02:20 PMI got my 3rd from deathsinger yesterday
Some people just get all the luck. Not having one yet it is rather annoying when the loot feed at the bottom says... "Someperson found gjallahorn"... "Someperson found an exotic shard"
Has anyone considered the possibility that Bungie has only made the Gjallarhorn available to a certain percentage of players? (The players who get it are chosen at random obviously!) Would definitely add to the exclusivity of the weapon and.... Make people keep playing.
I would be your first customer lol
Yea man I got 4 ,an to be honest it's sucks cuz so many others need them more than i
I don't know why I have had 4 horns and 6 Hawk moons now
The twitch streamer enragedcinema has 9