[i]Using my Grimoire score as an example[/i].
If you add up all the yellow numbers in the upper-right hand of each [i]'category'[/i] card. That total does not add up to the score stated on the very first card. The "Grimoire Progress" card.
Grimoire Progress = [b]2715[/b]
Guardian = [b]175 [/b](adding individual scores match)
Inventory = [b]255 [/b](adding individual scores match)
Allies = [b]270 [/b](adding individual scores match)
Enemies = [b]1365 [/b](adding individual scores match)
Places = [b]245 [/b](adding individual scores match)
Activities = [b]410 [/b](adding individual scores match)
Total of individual yellow scores = [b]2720 [/b]([b]5pt[/b] discrepancy from total on process card)
[i]destinytracker [/i]states my score is: [b]2720[/b]
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