I am made of ademanteium you cannot brake my neck
My million sentinels want a word with you.
*grabs a handcannon wiht EMP rounds* IF you leave your mouth open *grabs head and places barrle inside mouth* *places black sunglasses* bugs may go inside *shoots * [spoiler]YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA[/spoiler]
[spoiler]YEEEEAAAAAAAHHH[/spoiler] Wonder where the rounds came from... *checks ammunition*
I prouce my own kind of rounds intead of a pulse it generates a telas effect
Ah! I see. Perhaps I should look into that kind of design...
You cna buy some from Slazar.inc
Hmm... Tesla designs... Perhaps I should research more, and maybe even order some just to examine...
100dongerbill the crate
Just a small box, please. They're only needed for examination. *places 100 gold*
there you go