originally posted in:Thrall Group
Hi there,
I'm free this sunday, so i would like to go on a raid.
Everyone who likes to join me is very welcome.
See you and have fun.
(PS i'm not available this friday and saturday :D)
Il be on sunday from 7pm gmt so if you need for a raid send me a invite. Psn. Pricey684
Sent you a friend req, avail from 4pm GMT Sat and Sun
Hey Orlok! I added you yesterday I think! Me and a friend are planning on doing VoG and Crota this weekend so it would be great to have you on board, if you're free! And anyone else, of course. If you're on when we're going to do it I'll message you :)
Add me as well gang. I'm up for a VoG or Crota run this weekend 💪
Everyone from the clan is on my friends list. The other people on my friends list are also all really friendly Destiny players who do raids so if you're ever looking for more people to do raids with just send people friend requests off of my friends list. It might help if you include Thrall For One so they don't think you're a random lol but I'm sure a lot will just accept you anyways cause we're a very accepting group