The Lenny's have broken through our walls, we request assistance, warn the Dojo please!
Wait... Is the battle already over?
I do not know... There may be more..
Shit. I kinda called the dojo to battle, right when the battle ends. Whoops... Awkward. On the topic of gathering forces, you should know that I'm not officially or formally a leader here. I just have the respect of most my comrades. But I may ask for a position change soon, if the opportunity presents itself.
Alright, one last thing. About this Felix, I just got a message in the dojo chat saying that he apparently made a topic saying he's the master of arcane and will grant wishes... >.<
*facepalm* I knew he wasn't trustworthy...
Oh wait, don't consider it a threat. It's failing horribly... I almost feel bad. One guy was like "wtf is this skyrim bullshit" and I cringed in pity.
Kek, I didn't warn the Empire yet... I need more info
Doing it now.