*Drops weapons* Alright, begin! *Throws right cross at your face*
*sheds suit* Whoa! *dodges by ducking and weakly blocking* *jump out of my crouch while throwing an uppercut*
*Takes uppercut in the jaw* *Throws a left cross, but it's actually a feint and I throw a jab at your sternum*
*falls for feint and takes the hit to the ribs* *retaliates with a leg sweep*
*Jumps but slightly to late* *Doesn't trip, but loses balance momentarily*
*takes full advantage with a Sparta kick to the stomach*
*Lying on ground, seemingly KO'd, then surprises with a leg sweep of my own*
*was walking toward you when leg swept, so I fall forward and land on your leg.*
*Takes small advantage to hit you in the throat with the edge of my hand*
*hit to the throat momentarily enrages me, so I throw an elbow to your stomach while beginning to stand up.*
*Gets up slowly, kicks you-know-where*
Edited by jj1042: 3/13/2015 3:28:18 AMOh, that's a dirty shot. *throws a wide left haymaker, but is actually going for another leg sweep to the other side* [spoiler]health: 60%[/spoiler]
Edited by AgentMizzmo: 3/13/2015 3:26:59 AM*Gets hit by both* Alright, I submit, I need sleep, but wanna team up I Training sim Tomorrow?
Sure. *rearmors* see ya. *heads back to ship for recovery*