Good evening. Since the reset on Tuesday, March 10 2015, I have not been able to stay connected to Xbox live while playing Destiny. I have been able to play everything thing else just fine, but since that day I have been experiencing problems trying to sign in to Destiny on my 360 and I have had a a lot of errors that I don't normally get. For example: cattle and hawk. In addition, there have been several occasions where I get kicked to the title screen without being disconnected from Xbox live or receiving any error messages. I have tried many things to fix this problem including the following:
* delete game cache
* delete/download gamer profile
* uninstall/reinstall the game
* unplugged router and modem for 20-30 secs
* switch to wi-fi then back to Ethernet cable
* unplugged Xbox 360 for 20-30 secs
* port forward ports that where listed that were not current used
I am not having any problems playing Destiny on my Xbox One but playing it on the 360 is almost a lost cause since Tuesday. I know Bungie is tracking these errors but is there anything else that I try or is there anything you guys can fix on your end?
Thank you in advance.
I am having the same issues as well. I would like to issue a challenge to whoever replies from support. My challenge is for some one from support to fully explain why destiny is the only game on the Xbox 360 console I play with this issue. Understand this , before I retired , I used to proof read corporate press releases before they were approved and posted. I know what political bull crap looks like and if it turns out the answer is political bull crap and technical misdirection, the word will get out.